Luis I Rodriguez


In 1940, with the abominable fascist Vichy regime in France, President Lázaro Cárdenas sent as his plenipotentiary representative Luis. I. Rodriguez, a young man of 36 years with until then a brilliant career, to try to save the lives of the Republican exiles trapped on the border between Franco and Hitler. From his office in the Hotel de Villas et Lilas in Vichy, with the Gestapo in the corridor and a refugee as a guest, Rodriguez throws himself into the logistical project of embarking thousands of Spanish refugees to their salvation in Mexico, risking his life, but also his family, emotional and professional stability. The story follows the course of tons of gold taken out by the Republican militias, financing the Republican war effort, and whose documents are carried by the civil servant Calviño, the same one Rodriguez protects in his diplomatic quarters in Vichy. The latter guards the correspondence that supports these transactions, but unfortunately collaborates and maintains an affair with Carmen Ibarreche, who turns out to be a Francoist spy. Luis I. Rodriguez pours himself completely into his philanthropic crusade, for which he must confront the power machinery of the Axis forces, but also become sensitive to the declining health of the Republican president, Azaña, save the archives of the 2nd Republic, and outwit deceitful Greek shipping companies and dangerous Czechoslovakian arms dealers.

STATUS: under development